SOTER - References and examples of database application

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This page presents a selection of publications that describe the SOTER database and its various applications to date by various researchers (in reverse chronological order).


Dijkshoorn JA, Leenaars JGB, Huting JHM, Kempen B, 2016. Soil and terrain database of the Republic of Malawi. Report 2016/01, ISRIC―World Soil Information, Wageningen (doi:10.17027/isric-wdcsoils.20160001,with data set). PDF


Batjes NH, 2014. Projected changes in soil organic carbon stocks upon projected changes in soil and water conservation practices in the Upper Tana River catchment, Kenya.  Land Degradation & Development 25, 278-287  more ...



FAO/IIASA/ISRIC/ISSCAS/JRC 2012. Harmonized World Soil Database (version 1.2), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, ISRIC - World Soil Information, Institute of Soil Science - Chinese Academy of Sciences, Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, Laxenburg   PDF



Batjes NH, 2011. Soil property estimates for the Upper Tana river catchment, Kenya, derived from SOTER and WISE (Ver. 1.1). Report 2010/07b, ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen , p. 37 + GIS dataset

Gathenya M, Mwangi H, Coe R and Sang J, 2011. Climate-and land use-induced risks to watershed services in the Nyando river basin, Kenya.  Experimental Agriculture 47, 339-356 more ...

Olang LO, Kundu P, Bauer T and Fürst J 2011. Analysis of spatio-temporal land cover changes for hydrological impact assessment within the Nyando River Basin of Kenya.  Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 179, 389-401 more ...



Maeda EE, Pellikka PKE, Siljander M and Clark BJF, 2010. Potential impacts of agricultural expansion and climate change on soil erosion in the Eastern Arc Mountains of Kenya.  Geomorphology 123, 279-289   more ...



Dijkshoorn JA, Huting JRM, 2009, Soil and terrain database for Nepal. Report 2009/01, ISRIC – World Soil Information, Wageningen,  30 p. (with data set)

Muvundja FA, Pasche N, Bugeny, FWB, Isumbisho M, Müller B, Namugize,J-N, Rinta P, Schmid M, Stierli R, Waest A, 2009. Balancing Nutrient Inputs to Lake Kivu. Journal of Great Lakes Research 35, 406-418   more ...



Al-Hanbali A and Kondoh A, 2008. Groundwater vulnerability assessment and evaluation of human activity impact (HAI) within the Dead Sea groundwater basin, Jordan. Hydrogeology Journal, 16: 499-510  more ...

Batjes NH, 2008. Mapping soil carbon stocks of Central Africa using SOTER. Geoderma  146, 58-65   more ...

Batjes NH, 2008. Soil parameter estimates for Senegal  and The Gambia derived from SOTER and WISE (SOTWIS-Senegal, ver. 1.0). Report 2008/05, ISRIC – World Soil Information, Wageningen 39p with data set

Dijkshoorn JA, van Engelen VWP and Huting JRM, 2008. Soil and landform properties for LADA partner countries (Argentina, China, Cuba, Senegal, South Africa and Tunisia). ISRIC report 2008/06 (GLADA report 2008/03), ISRIC – World Soil Information and FAO, Wageningen, 23p (with data set)

FAO/IIASA/ISRIC/ISSCAS/JRC, 2008. Harmonized World Soil Database (version 1.0). FAO, Rome, Italy and IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria   more ...

Hartemink AE and Huting J, 2008. Land Cover, Extent, and Properties of Arenosols in Southern Africa. Arid Land Research and Management 22, 134 - 147   more ...

Huting JRM, Dijkshoorn JA, van Engelen VWP, 2008. GIS procedures for mapping SOTER landform for the LADA partner countries (Argentina, China, Cuba, Senegal, South Africa and Tunisia). ISRIC Report 2008/04 (GLADA report 2008/02), ISRIC – World Soil Information and FAO, Wageningen, 30p (with data set)



Al-Adamat R, Rawajfih Z, Easter M, Paustian K, Coleman K, Milne E, Falloon P, Powlson DS and Batjes NH, 2007. Predicted soil organic carbon stocks and changes in Jordan between 2000 and 2030 made using the GEFSOC modelling system.  Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 122: 35-45  more ...

Batjes NH, 2007. SOTER-based soil parameter estimates for Central Africa ? DR of Congo, Burundi and Rwanda (SOTWIScaf, ver. 1.0). Report 2007/02, ISRIC – World Soil Information, Wageningen

Batjes NH, R. Al-Adamat, Bhattacharyya T, M. Bernoux, C.E.P. Cerri, P. Gicheru, P. Kamoni, Milne E, Pal DK and Rawajfih Z, 2007. Preparation of consistent soil data sets for SOC modelling purposes: secondary SOTER data sets for four case study areas.  Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 122: 26-34  more ...

Bhattacharyya T, Pal DK, Easter M, Batjes NH, Milne E, Gajbhiye KS, Chandran P, Ray SK, Mandal C, Paustian K, Williams S, Killian K, Coleman K, Falloon P and Powlson D, 2007. Modelled soil organic carbon stocks and changes in the Indo-Gangetic Plains, India, between 2000 and 2030.  Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 122: 84-94   more ...

Cerri CEP, Easter M, Paustian K, Killian K, Coleman K, Bernoux M, Falloon P, Powlson DS, Batjes NH, Milne E and Cerri CC, 2007. Predicted soil organic carbon stocks and changes in the Brazilian Amazon between 2000 and 2030.  Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 122: 58-72  more ...

Easter M, Paustian K, Killian K, Williams S, Feng T, Al-Adamat R, Batjes NH, Bernoux M, Bhattacharyya T, Cerri CC, Cerri CEP, Coleman K, Falloon P, Feller C, Gicheru P, Kamoni P, Milne E, Pal DK, Powlson D, Rawajfih Z, Sessay M and Wokabi S, 2007. The GEFSOC soil carbon modeling system: a tool for conducting regional-scale soil carbon inventories and assessing the impacts of land use change on soil carbon. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 122: 13-25   more ...

Goyens C, Verdoodt A, Van de Wauw J, Baert G, van Engelen VWP, Dijkshoorn JA and Van Ranst E, 2007. Base de données numériques sur les sols et le terrain (SOTER) de l'Afrique Centrale (RD Congo, Rwanda et Burundi). Etude et Gestion des Sols, 14: 207-218  more ...

Milne E, Al-Adamat R, Batjes NH, Bernoux M, Bhattacharyya T, Cerri CC, Cerri CEP, Coleman K, Easter M, Falloon P, Feller C, Gicheru P, Kamoni P, Killian K, Pal DK, Paustian K, Powlson D, Rawajfih Z, Sessay M and Wokabi S, 2007. National and sub-national assessments of soil organic carbon stocks and changes: problems and prospects.  Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 122: 3-12  more ...

Mulungu DMM and Munishi SE, 2007. Simiyu River catchment parameterization using SWAT model. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 32, 1032-1039  more ...


Batjes NH, 2006. Soil carbon stocks of Jordan and projected changes upon improved management of croplands.  Geoderma 132, 361-371 more ...


ISRIC staff, 2005. Atlas of SOTER-derived maps of Zimbabwe: Impact of desertification on food security. ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen

Batjes NH, 2005. Organic carbon stocks in the soils of Brazil.  Soil Use and Management 21, 22-24   more ...

Van Engelen VWP, Batjes NH, Dijkshoorn K and Huting J, 2005. Harmonized Global Soil Resources Database (Final Report). Report 2005/06, ISRIC  - World Soil Information, Wageningen

Batjes NH, 2005. SOTER-based soil parameter estimates for Central and Eastern Europe (ver. 2.0). Report 2005/04, ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen

Batjes NH, 2005. SOTER-based soil parameter estimates for Latin America and the Caribbean (ver. 1.0). Report 2005/02. ISRIC – World Soil Information, Wageningen

Dijkshoorn JA, Huting JRM and Tempel P, 2005. Update of the 1:5 million Soil and Terrain Database for Latin America and the Caribbean (SOTERLAC; version 2.0). Report 2005/01. ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen


Van Engelen VWP, Mantel S, Dijkshoorn JA and Huting JRM, 2004.The impact of desertification on food security in Southern Africa; a case study in Zimbabwe. Report 2004/02, ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen

Batjes NH, 2004. Soil carbon stocks and projected changes according to land use and management: a case study for Kenya.  Soil Use and Management 20, 350-356   more ...

Batjes NH, Bhattacharyya T, Mandal C, Dijkshoorn K, Pal DK, Milne E and Gajbhiye KS, 2004. Soil data derived from SOTER for studies of carbon stocks and change in the Indo-Gangetic Plains (India) (ver. 1.0; GEFSOC Project). Report 2004/06. ISRIC – World Soil Information, Wageningen and NBSS&LUP (ICAR), India

Batjes NH, 2004. SOTER-based soil parameter estimates for Southern Africa (ver. 1.0). Report 2004/04, ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen

Batjes NH, Bernoux M and Cerri CEP, 2004. Soil data derived from SOTER for studies of carbon stocks and change in Brazil (ver. 1.0). Report 2004/03,  ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen

Batjes NH and Gicheru P, 2004. Soil data derived from SOTER for studies of carbon stocks and change in Kenya (ver. 1.0). Report 2004/01, ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen

Igue AM, Gaiser T and Stahr K, 2004. A soil and terrain digital database (SOTER) for improved land use planning in Central Benin. European Journal of Agronomy 21, 41-52


Batjes NH Rawajfih Z and Al-Adamat R, 2003. Soil data derived from SOTER for studies of carbon stocks and change in Jordan (ver. 1.0). Report 2003/04, ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen

Batjes NH, 2003. A taxotransfer rule based approach for filling gaps in measured soil data in primary SOTER databases. Report 2003/03, ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen
Mantel S, 2003. Identification of potential for banana in Hainan Island, China. Pedosphere 13, 147-155  more ...


Nachtergaele FO, Van Lynden, GWJ and Batjes NH, 2002. Soil and terrain databases and their applications with special reference to physical soil degradation and soil vulnerability to pollution in Central and eastern Europe. In:  Advances in GeoEcology 35 (eds M. Pagliaia and JR), CATENA Verlag GMBH, Reiskrirchen.


Batjes NH, Van Engelen VWP and Mantel S, 2001. Multi-purpose applicability of soil and terrain (SOTER) databases in support of sustainable agriculture and environmental protection. In: IGBP (Editor), Challenges of a Changing Earth (IGBP Global Change Open Science Conference). Congrex Holland Bv., Amsterdam, pp. 163 


Batjes NH, 2000, Effects of mapped variation in soil conditions on estimates of soil carbon and nitrogen stocks for South America. Geoderma, 97:135-144. 

Mantel S, van Engelen VWP, Molfino JH and Resink JW, 2000. Exploring biophysical potential and sustainability of wheat cultivation in Uruguay at the national level. Soil Use and Management, 16:270-278  

van Engelen VWP, 2000. SOTER: the World Soils and Terrain Database. In: Sumner, M.E. (ed). Handbook of Soil Science, CRC Press, Boca Raton (FL). p. H19-28 


Batjes NH and Dijkshoorn JA, 1999. Carbon and nitrogen stocks in the soils of the Amazon Region. Geoderma, 89: 273-286 

Mantel S and van Engelen VWP, 1999. Assessment of the impact of water erosion on productivity of maize in Kenya: an integrated modeling approach. Land Degradation & Development, 10:577-592 


Batjes NH and van Engelen VWP, 1997. Guidelines for the Compilation of a 1:2,500,000 SOTER Database (SOVEUR Project). Report 97/06. ISRIC, Wageningen. 58 p

Mantel S and van Engelen VWP, 1997. The Impact of Land Degradation on Food Productivity. Case studies of Uruguay, Argentina and Kenya. Report 97/01, Vol 1 & 2. ISRIC, Wageningen. 76 p 

Batjes NH, 1996. A qualitative assessment of water erosion risk using the 1:5 M SOTER database for Northern Argentina, South-east Brazil and Uruguay. Working Paper and Preprint 96/04. ISRIC, Wageningen. 18 p 

van Engelen VWP and Wen TT, (eds.), 1995. Global and national soils and terrain databases (SOTER). Procedures manual (revised edition). UNEP-ISSS-ISRIC-FAO, Wageningen. 125 p. (also published as World Soil Resources Report 74 Rev.1

van Engelen VWP (ed.), 1995. Proceedings of the KENSOTER international workshop (14 - 17 March 1995, Nairobi, Kenya). SOTER report 9. ISSS-UNEP-ISRIC, Wageningen. 57 p 

van den Berg M and Tempel P, 1995. SWEAP, a computer program for water erosion assessment applied to SOTER. Documentation version 1.5. SOTER report 7. ISSS-UNEP-ISRIC, Wageningen. 50 p 

Tempel P, 1994. Global and national soils and terrain digital databases (SOTER). Attribute Database User Manual. Working Paper & Preprint 94/04, ISRIC, Wageningen. 34 p 

Peters W (Ed.), 1994. Memoria del Curso de Actualizacion SOTER-GIS, Taller Internacional SOTER en America Latina y Curso de Enternamiento SOTER-SIG. SOTER Report 8, International Society of Soil Science, Wageningen 96 p.

Batjes NH, van Engelen VWP and Oldeman LR, 1993. Proposed assessment of the vulnerability of soils to pollution in Europe using a SOTER-shell approach. Land Degradation and Rehabilitation,  4: 223-231

Van Engelen VWP, 1992. Manual del curso de entrenamiento LASOTER SIG. Work. Pap. 92/03, ISRIC, Wageningen

van den Berg M, 1992. SWEAP: a computer program for water erosion assessment applied to SOTER (Documentation ver. 1.4). SOTER Report No. 7, International Society of Soil Science, Wageningen

Oliviera JB and van den Berg M, 1992. Application of the SOTER methodology to a semi-detailed survey (1: 100 000) in the Piracicaba region (Sao Paulo State, Brazil). SOTER Report 6, International Society of Soil Science, Wageningen
Batjes NH, 1990. Macro-scale land evaluation using the 1:1 M world soil and terrain digital database. SOTER Report 5. ISSS, Wageningen. 45 p.

Batjes NH (Ed.), 1990. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Procedures Manual Revisions for the Global Soils and Terrain Digital Database (24-26 April 1990, Wageningen). Working Paper & Preprint 90/5. ISRIC, Wageningen. 25 p. 

Oldeman LR and Sombroek WG, 1990. Use of the SOTER database to model global change. Transactions 14th International Congress of Soil Science V, p. 136-141.  

Peters W, 1998. Proceedings of the regional workshop on a global soil and terrain digital database and global assessment of soil degradation. SOTER Report 3 [EN & SP versions], International Society of Soil Science, Wageningen
ISSS, 1986. Project proposal "World Soils and Terrain Digital Database at a scale 1:1M (SOTER)". Ed. by MF Baumgardner. ISSS, Wageningen. 23 p. ISSS, 1987. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on a Global Soils and Terrain Digital Database (18-22 May 1987, UNEP, Nairobi). Ed. by RF van de Weg. SOTER Report 2. ISSS, Wageningen. 47 p 

ISSS, 1986. Proceedings of an International Workshop on the Structure of a Digital International Soil Resources Map annex Data Base (20-24 January 1986, ISRIC, Wageningen). Ed. by MF Baumgardner and LR Oldeman. SOTER Report 1, ISSS, Wageningen. 138 p