ISRIC – World Soil Information supports the Land Degradation Neutrality Target Setting Programme

Share on: 19 Jan 2017

ISRIC – World Soil Information supports the Land Degradation Neutrality Target Setting Programme (LDN TSP) implemented by the UNCCD Secretariat and the Global Mechanism.

The UNCCD Conference of the Parties (COP) adopted 3 indicators to report on progress in the implementation of the Convention and to monitor progress towards achieving LDN targets. These indicators are trends in land cover (vegetative land cover), trends in land productivity and trends in soil organic carbon stock.

The Land Degradation Neutrality Target Setting Programme aims at assisting affected countries to report on LDN by (amongst others) compiling and making available global datasets for each of these indicators. For each of the 3 indicators a partner has been selected by the implementing bodies to assist in the development of these datasets. ISRIC – World Soil Information is the partner for the indicator ‘trends in soil organic carbon’. ISRIC provides global and national data sets on soil organic carbon concentrations and stocks to all countries participating in the program through the use of SoilGrids (

For more information on this program see:here